XY Laboratory Analytics System with holder for sensor and XY stage with aperture | DC motor, ball screw, motor encoder
Combinations of laboratory axes

XY Laboratory Analytics System with holder for sensor and XY stage with aperture | DC motor, ball screw, motor encoder - Combinations of laboratory axes


2-axis system with sensor holder for high-resolution laboratory analytics

This XY system on a granite gantry consists of the high-precision and durable KDT380-DC XY stage with transmitted light. A sensor or camera can be attached to the upper granite for high-precision measurement tasks. This combination is suitable for all applications where µm stability is required for high resolution and detailed imaging. The XZ system is ready to use with controller and operates with reliable parameters.

High-precision analysis of the finest details

  • Ideal for set-up and expansion of high-resolution analysis, scanning, microscopy and measurement tasks
  • Attachment for a sensor or camera
  • High repeatability up to 2 µm
  • µm stability for highest resolutions and detailed imaging
  • Perfect flatness of 0.3 µm for medium loads up to 5 kg

Optionally configurable:

  • Different motor variants: DC motor or stepper motor
  • Can be combined to a XY-Z positioning system (e.g. LA85, MT130)
  • Versions for clean room ISO 14644-1
  • Immediate use with pre-configured controller incl. exemplary software

    Individual extensions and customizations

    Engineering services include the fitting of the systems to your structure and the desired controlls. Furthermore, we develop prototypes and like to adapt the systems to the environmental requirements of your application particle emission, radiation, temperature, precision special parts manufacturing, working height, collision protection, safety concept, compensation factor and filter, sensor mounting, brake, decoupling, special lubrication, special colors, holders, adapters, special motors with pharmaceutical approval, comprehensive documentation, test protocoll, llife cycle tests

    Fields of application

    Analysis of molecular structures, surface profiling, profile measurement and layer thickness measurement of biological and synthetic samples including general and special chemistry and specific proteins, observation of surface changes.







    [mm; deg]



    Repeatability unidirectional

    [µm; deg]

    ± 2

    ± 2

    Repeatability bidirectional

    [µm; deg]

    ± 2.5

    ± 2.5

    Positioning speed

    [mm/s; deg/s]



    Max. load












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    T +49 (0) 351 88585-85

    Ronald Schulze
    Consulting, Project Management & Engineering

    T +49 (0) 351 88585-67

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